Parking: There is no parking on the Village streets between the hours of 2 a.m. and 6 a.m. from December 1st through March 31st. There will also be no overnight parking in the Municipal parking lot. To avoid having your vehicle ticketed or towed away, please make sure that you do not park on the streets during these hours. Also, please do not park on or block the sidewalks as it interferes with snow removal. This will be enforced.
Important: When clearing snow from your property please make sure that you do not push the snow onto the sidewalks. This will make snow removal from the sidewalks exceedingly difficult, and the equipment can be damaged.
Snowmobiles: For safety and maintenance, please be reminded that snowmobiles are not permitted on Village sidewalks. Please be respectful of property owners.
Livestock Law- Please be reminded that the Village has a livestock law. If you have or are planning to keep anything considered farm animals, such as horses, cows, pigs, goats, chickens etc., please contact the Village office to get the required applications for a permit.
Pavilion- The pavilion is ready for use. If you want to host an event at the pavilion you can pick up an application for use at the Village office.
Important: When clearing snow from your property please make sure that you do not push the snow onto the sidewalks. This will make snow removal from the sidewalks exceedingly difficult, and the equipment can be damaged.
Snowmobiles: For safety and maintenance, please be reminded that snowmobiles are not permitted on Village sidewalks. Please be respectful of property owners.
Livestock Law- Please be reminded that the Village has a livestock law. If you have or are planning to keep anything considered farm animals, such as horses, cows, pigs, goats, chickens etc., please contact the Village office to get the required applications for a permit.
Pavilion- The pavilion is ready for use. If you want to host an event at the pavilion you can pick up an application for use at the Village office.